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There were 8 acrisia cases including cases misdiagnosed, cases with doubtful findings only, and cases without positive finding.
8例诊断不符合者包括误诊 例 ,只发现可疑病灶 例 ,未发现病灶 例。

There were in raw sample, in slightly roasted sample,0 in burnt sample and in charred sample. 炒焦品检出0个,炒炭品检出个。
There were 77 PB appellations in Guoyu according to statistics, and they were classified into nine categories as agriculture 、divine 、military 、etiquette(7)、trade 、education 、artistry 、outside court (7)and inside court . 论文统计出《国语》中的职官称谓共有77个,且按照农林(个)、卜筮(个)、军事(个)、礼仪(7个)、工商(个)、教育(个)、伎艺(个)、朝廷外官(7个)、宫廷内官(个)分成了九大类。
There were 78 papers read and 70 papers posted at the meeting. 会上宣读论文78篇,张贴论文70篇。
There were cas- es of IgG_—G_(8.9%),8 IgA_—A_(7.8%), IgM(.%), IgD(.%)and light chain disease cases. The IgE type was not found and Kappa or Lambda light chain was de- tected in these cases. 例多发性骨髓瘤免疫学分型结果:IgG_—G_ 例(8.9%)、IgA_—A_8例(7.8%)、IgM例(.%)、IgD例(.%)、轻链病 例(.7%),IgE 未检出,例中都检出有 Kappa 或 lambda 轻链。
There were VPC(77. %),8 M(.8%), VPI(7.9%)in patients without pterygoid hamulus fracture after . months of follow-up in average. 未凿断翼钩的例中,平均随访 .个月,VPC 例,M8例,VPI例,分别占77. %、.8和7.9%。
There were 8 acrisia cases including cases misdiagnosed, cases with doubtful findings only, and cases without positive finding. 8例诊断不符合者包括误诊 例 ,只发现可疑病灶 例 ,未发现病灶 例。
There were 9 patients were judged the clinical effect,S/S 9 cases,S/R case ,R/R cases,R/S cases(S:sensitivity,R:resistance,in vitro/in vivo). 经临床治疗有结果可判断疗效的共同 9例 ,S/S9例 ,S/R例 ,R/R例 ,R/S 例 (S :敏感 ,R :耐药 ,体内 /体外 ) ,体内、外总符合率 7 .9%。
There were types of retirement of which / did not retire normally Four main factorsled to the early retirement of elite athletes,that were; 优秀运动员退役类型分为类,其中 /的运动员属不正常退投。
There were 97.%of interviewees brushed their teeth everyday,9%of them spit in a spittoon,8.%had own towel,%drank tap water and . %used hygienic toilet. 每天刷牙为97.%,吐痰至痰盂中为9%,家中毛巾不混用人均一条为8.8%,饮用自来水的为%,使用卫生厕所的为 . %。
There were HBsAg in the thymus tissues. 果 :死胎胸腺组织胸腺小体数量明显减少 ;
There were certain differences in pollen extine sculpture and germinal pore. 品种间在花粉的萌发器官和外壁纹饰方面有一定的差异。

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