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And Elisha said, Shoot; and he shot.

And Elisha said unto her, What shall I do for thee? 2以利沙问她说,我可以为你作什么呢。
And Elisha said unto him, Take bow and arrows. And he took unto him bow and arrows. 15以利沙对他说,你取弓箭来。王就取了弓箭来。
And Elisha said, I pray thee, let a double portion of thy spirit be upon me. 以利沙说,愿感动你的灵加倍地感动我。
And Elisha said, Jehovah has shown me that you will be king over Syria. 以利沙说,耶和华指示我,你必作亚兰王。
And Elisha said, Let a double portion of your spirit be upon me. 以利沙说,愿你的灵加倍的临到我。
And Elisha said, Shoot; and he shot. 以利沙说,射箭罢;他就射箭。
And Elisha saw him no more. 以后不再见他了。
And Elisha sent a messenger unto him, saying, Go and wash in Jordan seven times, and thy flesh shall come again to thee, and thou shalt be clean. 10以利沙打发一个使者,对乃缦说,你去在约旦河中沭浴七回,你的肉就必复原,而得洁净。
And Elisha sent a messenger unto him, saying, Go and wash in the Jordan seven times, and thy flesh shall come again to thee, and thou shalt be clean. 王下5:10以利沙打发一个使者、对乃缦说、你去在约但河中沐浴七回、你的肉就必复原、而得洁净。
And Elisha the prophet called one of the sons of the prophets and said to him, Gird up your loins, and take this flask of oil in your hand, and go to Ramoth-gilead. 1申言者以利沙叫了一个申言者的门徒来,对他说,你束上腰,手拿这瓶膏油往基列的拉末去。
And Englishmen were among the first to climb many of the great Alpine summits. 英国人是第一批爬上阿尔卑斯山脉顶峰的人之一。

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