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No matter what, we're aboveboard and never furtive.

No matter what you want to do, please look before you leap. 不管你想做什么事,请三思而后行。
No matter what you will wish to make, media advertisement, playbill, production promotion, enterprise introduction, book an picture album, your wish will be realized through Fashion. 无论是媒体广告、海报、宣传单,还是产品推介、企业简介、书刊画册,都将有效地传达产品的诉求点。
No matter what you're managing, don't assume you can glide by. Momentum is something you have to work at to maintain. 不管你在做什么,别妄想你能够吃老本,势头要靠不间断的工作来保持。
No matter what, I am touched that Taiwan is making an effort to reach out to English-speakers. 无论如何,我很感动的是台湾正努力扩展、顾及英语的使用者。
No matter what, always do a SEARCH before posting! 有没有什么字体好点的,不会乱?
No matter what, we're aboveboard and never furtive. 做任何事,我们都是光明正大的,从不偷偷摸摸。
No matter what, without goals life is not worth while. 无论怎样,没有目标的生活是不值得期待的。
No matter whatever the British Aikido Board do, that damning statement below will hang over their shameless heads for ever and a day. 不管出于什麽英帝国议会做,即脱党声明下面将笼罩在其无耻校长有史以来一天.
No matter when and how the invaders come, they will be wiped out clean. 不管侵略者何时来怎样来,他们将被消灭干净。
No matter when my motherland needs me, I will go without hesitation. 无论什么时候,只要祖国需要我,我都会毫不犹豫地出发。
No matter when the invader comes, they will be wiped out clean. 不管侵略者什麽时候来,都必被消灭。

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