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We believe that it will not be long before our house-hold electrical appliances products go to the world.

We believe that conflict leads to debates and the digestion of knowledge is in class. 让矛盾引发争议,使知识当堂消化是我校的课堂教学模式。
We believe that every student has potentials for development.? There will not be any pyramidal class structure. 我相信,每一位入读本校的同学都是有潜质的学生,只在乎如何加以诱发。学校不会出现金字塔的情况。
We believe that from ethics, enlightened self-interest, and the commonweal, our governance will emerge . 我们相信,我们的治道将从伦理、明智的自我利益和公益中产生出来。
We believe that growth of new blood vessels in the area of the infarct also contributed greatly to slowing down the tissue deterioration. 我们相信在梗塞区域内新血管的生长,也是大幅减缓恶化的原因。
We believe that in the future, Chinese motor sports fans will see Chinese machinist in the world senior racing game, at the same time we also expect they will show their abilities to the whole world. 我们坚信在不久的将来,我们一定会让中国的汽车运动爱好者在世界高级别赛事中看见我们中国技师的身影,同样我们也期待着他们向世界展示自己的风采。
We believe that it will not be long before our house-hold electrical appliances products go to the world. 我们相信用不了多久我们的家用电器产品就会走向世界.
We believe that it's the huge success that Nan Quan Ma Ma had obtained earlier that has stirred up President Chou, thus this year he smiled and said that he wants to continue bringing people around him up to stardom, and his latest target is his make-up a 相信是早前南拳妈妈取得的巨大成功了周董,今年他就笑言要继续捧红身边的人,最新被他看中的就是身边的化妆师,并表示如果开拍新戏的话一定要让有演艺细胞的化妆师参与进来。
We believe that most peidao (yanmao/goose quill, liuye/willow leaf and yanchi/goose wing with fullers are of/after Qianlong reign, a few after Kangxi reign. 我们认为,大多数带血槽的佩刀(雁毛,柳叶,雁翅)出自清乾隆期以后,少量在康熙中期出现。
We believe that mutual business is not just exchanging goods with money but mutual satisfaction in the work, we look forward to serving you in the near future and becoming your long-term supplier. 我厂热诚欢迎新老客户前来洽谈业务和指导,我们始终不渝地本着“重合同、守信用,质量第一、客户至上”的宗旨,与大家携手共进。
We believe that national peace in Sudan is not only in line with the fundamental interest of the Sudanese people, but also contributes to stability and development of the region. 我们认为实现苏丹国内和平符合苏丹人民的根本利益,也有利于该地区的稳定与发展。
We believe that none but amused teachers can succeed in fostering happy students, and that harmonious society can create a prosperous tomorrow. 我们深知,只有愉快的教师,才能培养出幸福的学生;只有和谐的社会,才能创造出美好的未来。

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