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In the parody, the title of which translates as something like The Steamed Bun Murder, Hu has reduced the sweeping historical epic, with its emphasis on honour, swordplay, physical prowess and mysticism, to a gratuitous murder over a tasty snack.

In the parade, the band will march in advance of the football team. 游行中,乐队将走在足球队的前面。
In the park, there are lots of students. Some are flying kites. Others are playing balls. 公园里有很多学生。有一些在放风筝,其他(一些)人在玩球。
In the park, there are lots of students. Some are flying kites. The others are playing balls. 公园里有很多学生。有一些在放风筝,其他人(都)在玩球。
In the park, there are many historical sites relating to Liu Zhong Yuan, such as Liu Zhong Yuan Personal Effects Tomb, Luochi and Ganxiang Pavillion. 园内有柳侯祠、柳宗元衣冠墓、罗池、柑香亭等与柳宗元有关的古迹。
In the park, there is a Japanese Garden including bamboo, pine trees, fish pond, and a tea house. 在植物园??,设有一个日本花园,包括竹子、松树、鱼池、和茶室。
In the parody, the title of which translates as something like The Steamed Bun Murder, Hu has reduced the sweeping historical epic, with its emphasis on honour, swordplay, physical prowess and mysticism, to a gratuitous murder over a tasty snack. 他听说胡戈的所作所为后大为震怒,并怒斥胡戈“不可想象的无耻”,同时还威胁要以诽谤罪起诉胡戈。
In the part of key scientific problems, those key scientific problems that should be solved in the fields of forest environmental functions, forest productive functions, genetic improvement of trees, forest protections and forest resources management were 在关键科学问题部分则分别从森林的环境功能、森林的生产功能、林木遗传改良、森林保护和森林资源管理等五个方面列出所需要研究解决的关键科学问题,为制订今后的科学研究规划提供参考。
In the partially ordered linear spaces,we discuss the uniqueness and existence of fixed points for some nonmonotone operators in the partially ordered linear spaces without the assumption of continuity and compactness and upper-lower solutions of operator 研究了半序线性空间中一类非单调映射的不动点的存在唯一性及其迭代过程,对所述的映射没有作连续性、紧性或具有上、下解的假定.其推论推广和改进了文献[1]中的主要结果.
In the particular case of Belarus, the Russians deserve some sympathy. 仅就与白俄罗斯之间的争执来看,俄罗斯人是值得同情的。
In the party the celebrated writer and his wife were conspicuous by their absence. 在宴会上,那位著名的作家及其夫人未出席,引起了人们的注意。
In the pass, we were overcome the difficulties and keep on struggle. 回顾过去,我们一直在克服困难中前进,我们比大部份竞争对手走得更快。

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