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The National Rifle Association says taggants in gunpowder might act like a match struck near gasoline.

The National Park Service has announced plans to take suggestions from the public for improving the area known as America's front yard. 国家公园服务业宣布计划向群众征求改善这个被称为“美国的前院”的地方的建议。
The National Park Service keeps records to show how many people visit all of the national parks. 国家公园管理局保留的纪录显示很多很多人来过这里。
The National Parks and State Parks are unique contributions to the outdoor activities. 美国对户外活动爱好者最大的贡献就是建立了国家公园和州立公园。
The National People's Congress elects, and has the power to recall, members of its Standing Committee. 全国人民代表大会选举并有权罢免全国人民代表大会常务委员会的组成人员。
The National People's Congress enacts and amends criminal, civil, and state organic laws and other basic laws. 全国人民代表大会制定和修改刑事、民事、国家机构的和其他的基本法律。
The National Rifle Association says taggants in gunpowder might act like a match struck near gasoline. 国家来复枪协会说枪中的它干粉的效力就象在汽油附近点燃一根火柴.
The National Science Foundation invited the automatons and their creators to an exhibition intended to showcase the best advanced robotics technology the U.S. has to offer. 因此,美国国家科学基金会将于本周末举办一个展览,向人们显示该国最为先进的机器人技术。
The National Security Agency in US is accused of reading other people's e-mails around the world in its search for military and commercial secrets. 美国国家安全局在全球范围内偷窥他人的电子邮件,获取军事和商业秘密,受到了指责。
The National Sleep Foundation says that if you have trouble keeping your eyes focused, if you can't stop yawning, or if you can't remember driving the last few miles, you are probably too drowsy to drive safely. 美国国家睡眠基金会告诫:如果你不能保证你的双眼集中注意力,如果你不能停止瞌睡,或你不能记住驾驶最后的几英里,你可能过于困倦而不宜驾驶了。
The National Symphony Orchestra has a strong commitment to the development of America's artistic resources. 国家交响乐团为美国艺术资源的发展提供了强有力的保证。
The National Synthetically Reform Testing District is the national development strategy important constituent, which speeds up our country reform and open policy the important action. 摘要国家综合配套改革试验区是国家发展战略的重要组成部分,是加快我国改革开放的重要举措。

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