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Currently, Itaú BBA has offices in Brazil, the Bahamas, Uruguay, Argentina and the United States.

Currently, Gree leads the market for splits, the latest equipment, and is fighting for fourth place in the market for traditional units. 目前,格力引领“分体空调”的市场并在传统机型的空调市场努力争取第四位。
Currently, HAPBC has brewery operations in Hainan and Shanghai as well as a sales and distribution arm, Heineken Trading (Shanghai). 目前,喜力亚太酿酒(中国)私人有限公司已经在海南和上海拥有酿酒厂,还有负责销售和储运队伍的上海喜力贸易公司。
Currently, I am also working on a major education reform project in Pakistan, where I have just come back from, on a global economic development initiative and will be leaving for Rwanda next month where I am involved in a health decentralization program. 目前,在巴基斯坦我也正工作于有关全球经济发展运动一个重要的教育改革计画,我刚刚从那里回来以及下个月我将会去卢安达,那里我正在参与一个保健普及计画。
Currently, Inchcape is in the process of setting up its China office in Shanghai. We sincerely invite high calibre candidates to apply for these positions. 目前,英之杰亚洲太平洋有限公司正致力在上海建立其中国办事处,我们诚挚邀请各类优秀人才加盟。
Currently, Internet Society of China strikes it mainly by means of joint closure of portal websites of the membership, and promotes the software of terminal filter to purify the Internet. 目前,中国互联网协会主要采取会员门户网站联合封堵的形式加以打击,并介绍推广终端过滤软件,以净化网络空间。
Currently, Itaú BBA has offices in Brazil, the Bahamas, Uruguay, Argentina and the United States. 目前,艾托银行在巴西、巴哈马、乌拉圭、阿根廷和美国设有分行。
Currently, JSF is an early access (EA) release, and, as a result, is somewhat immature. 目前JSF还仅仅是EA版本,所以不是很成熟。
Currently, Mr. Liu Qingping's criticism of “Mencius” has aroused much attention in the academe. The author issues five examples to refute Mr. Liu's opinion. 摘要刘清平先生近年来对儒学的批评引起学界的关注。本文举出仁者爱人、推恩、乍见孺子将入于井、以天下养、父子不责善等五个例子,证明刘先生对《孟子》文本的理解存在很大问题。
Currently, POPULAR has a network of 51 bookstores and 35 franchise outlets, and employs over 1500 staff in operation spanning Singapore, Malaysia, Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and Canada. 现在,大众的分销网拥有51间书局门市以及35间特许经销店。集团属下员工超过1500名,遍布新加坡、马来西亚、香港、澳门、台湾及加拿大。
Currently, Pastor Shawn Huang is our Senior Pastor. 目前﹐黄锦祥牧师是本教会专任主任牧师。
Currently, Professor Hooke is Managing Director of Vesper International, a company that specializes in the provision of consulting services, especially to educational institutions. 当前,霍克教授是威世特国际公司的总经理,专为教育事业咨询服务。

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