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A social and economic system based on the raising and herding of livestock.

A snug is a little room blocked off from the rest of the bar by a wooden screen. 雅座单间是一个小房间,一扇木制屏风把它与酒吧其它区域分隔开来。
A so-called celebrity is looking for you. 一个所谓的大人物正在找你。
A so-called democratic country arrests, oppresses and deports the freedom and democratic fighters of Nepal. 一个所谓的民主国家逮捕、镇压并驱逐尼泊尔的自由民主战士,所有这一切都是在美国的指使下发生的。
A sober man may become a drunkard through being a coward. A brave man may be come a coward through being a drunkard. 清醒的人胆小时会变成醉汉。勇敢的人喝醉时会变得懦弱。
A sober-headed man has to be tricked into doing it. 头脑清醒的人需要被诱骗去成就它。
A social and economic system based on the raising and herding of livestock. 畜牧主义以喂养或放牧家畜为基础的社会和经济系统
A social group having a common affiliation to such an object. 有共同图腾的民族与这样一种物体共同紧密联系在一起的社会群体
A social system based on affiliations to totems. 图腾制度基于图腾的紧密联系之上的一种社会制度
A social worker told Bild that Bille keeps rejecting a room in a homeless center.We can't force her,he said. 一名社会工作者告诉《图片报》,比勒一直拒绝入住进流浪者中心。他说:“我们不能强迫她。”
A socialist judicial system must guarantee fairness and justice in the whole society. 社会主义司法制度必须保障在全社会实现公平和正义。
A socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics is an open system with an open economy as its core. 有中国特色的社会主义市场经济是一个以开放经济为核心的开放体制。

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