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Just as a rider's weight shifts can help sustain the equilibrium of a wobbly bicycle, actively balancing the lift forces on each wingtip is key to aircraft roll control.

Just as a door has a hinge that makes it open and close, the hinge on your backhand swing should be the shoulder, not the wrist and forearm. 正如一扇门有使它开放又关闭的一个铰链,铰链在你的反拍挥拍上应该是肩膀而不是手腕和前臂。
Just as a double convex lens enlarges, so a double concave lens reduces. 正象双凸透镜可以放大那样,双凹透镜也可以缩小。
Just as a man who is stuck in the cave needs little problems to distract him, a woman who doesn't feel heard will need to talk about other problems that are less immediate to feel relief. 就像男人在洞穴里需要有一些让他迷惑的问题,女人若未得到倾听,也需要谈一些不急着纾解的问题。
Just as a master mechanic's tool chest holds many tools each designed to accomplish a specific task, some of which are only subtly different, Meguiar's products should be thought of in much the same way. 就像一个机修工具箱一样,它装了很多工具,每一种都有其特殊的用途,有一些只是细微的差别,美光的产品也是这样定位的。
Just as a parent punishes a child in order to correct it, so the laws of God prove immovable when we try to resist them. 就如同父母惩罚孩子以纠正他的错误一样,当我们试图抗拒上帝的法则时,它们总是不为所动。
Just as a rider's weight shifts can help sustain the equilibrium of a wobbly bicycle, actively balancing the lift forces on each wingtip is key to aircraft roll control. 骑自行车的人移动重心有助于稳定摇晃的自行车,就飞机而言也一样,要控制滚转动作,关键就在于主动平衡左右翼尖的升力。
Just as a sensible copyright policy could endorse and strongly support a copyright system without having to regulate the spread of culture perfectly and forever, a sensible patent policy could endorse and strongly support a patent system without having to 就像一项明智的版权政策可以认可并大力支持版权系统,但无须事无巨细的管理文化的传播一样,一项明智的专利政策可以认可和大力支持专利系统,但无须妨碍药品向无法负担市场价格的国家传播。
Just as a traveler on a journey takes lodging, a being who travels the cycle of existence takes lodging in a rebirth. 就像一个旅行者在旅途中寄宿一样,芸芸众生也只是生存轮回中的一个暂歇者。
Just as a writer learns the spontaneous freedom of expression only after years of often grueling study,and just as the simple grace of a dancer is achieved only with enormous,patient effort,so when you begin to understand where meditation will lead you,yo 就像作家要经过多年的寒窗苦读,才能下笔如行云流水;舞者也要经过长久耐心苦练,才能舞出曼妙的舞姿;所以,当你明了禅坐的效用之后,就要用尽全部生命去修习,这需要付出极大的毅力、热情、智慧和训练。
Just as all humans are not bad, it is the same with the reptilians. 就像所有的人类都不坏,它是与爬虫类动物类似。
Just as an afterthought why not ask Jim? 这是事後想起的--为什么不问问吉姆呢?

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