Some of the secrets to injury prevention you've heard before: warm up well before climbing and warm down after; listen to your body, ending your training se ion early or even taking an extra rest day if you feel pain or discomfort.
以前你听过一些避免受伤的秘诀:攀登之前先作好热身,攀登后也要记得收身操;注意身体的警讯,当你觉得痛或不舒服的时候就提前结束一次的训练活动,或甚至多休息一天。 |
Some of the secrets to injury prevention you've heard before: warm up well before climbing and warm down after; listen to your body, ending your training session early or even taking an extra rest day if you feel pain or discomfort.
以前你听过一些避免受伤的秘诀:攀登之前先作好热身,攀登后也要记得收身操;注意身体的警讯,当你觉得痛或不舒服的时候就提前结束一次的训练活动,或甚至多休息一天。 |
Some of the sheep have strayed from the flock.
一些羊已经从羊群里走失了。 |
Some of the shoppers were filling suitcases with the shoes.
有些商家成箱地出售鞋子。 |
Some of the sites require Windows Media Player, which you will be able to download from that site.
有一些网站可能要求下载播放装置,您能从网站下载。 |
Some of the small dragons were less than one metre long and no more than 20 kilos.
一些小龙还不到一米长,体重也不超过20公斤。 |
Some of the snakes are poison .
有些蛇是有毒的. |
Some of the snakes is noxious.
有些蛇是有毒的. |
Some of the stolen customer information dated as far back as 2003, from customers as far away as Hong Kong.
一些客户信息的失窃从时间上可追及到2003年,而受害顾客波及范围远至香港。 |
Some of the stories turn out to be authentic folk myths and legends—Parsifal, Oedipus, Hamlet—but others are entirely Calvino's own.
一些故事是真正的民间神话传说--帕西发尔(亚瑟王传奇中寻找圣杯的英雄人物),俄狄浦斯,哈姆雷特--但其他完全是卡尔维诺自己的创造。 |
Some of the student is welding capacitor ; the others resistor.
学生中的一些人在焊接电容,另一些人在焊接电阻。 |