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Careful reactivation of the molecules that foster such neurogenesis might counter the death of neurons that occurs in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease.

Careful observation of such leaf lamina shows that veins do branch and converge in places, especially near the base and apex of the blade. 仔细的观察表明叶脉在某些地方分支和联合,尤其在叶片的顶端和基部。
Careful planning underlies all my decisions. 我的全部决定是以周密计划为根据的。
Careful polling and counting brought out the unanimous choice of three new officers: Wang Jingjing, Li Feng and Liu Chao. 经过慎重的投票和有序计票产生了众望所归的三名新主席团成员:王菁菁,李枫和刘超。
Careful preoperative evaluation and skillful intubation of the fiberoptic bronchoscope are demanded in cases where next general anesthesia is needed. 如果患者需要再次全身麻醉时,术前详细的评估以及熟巧的内视镜插管技术是必需的。
Careful questioning of older children and adolescents about school, friends, anxieties, depressive symptoms, and overall state of mind often reveals a source for a sleep problem. 仔细询问儿童少年有关上学、交友、焦虑、抑郁症状及总体心理状态常常可以提示睡眠问题的原因。
Careful reactivation of the molecules that foster such neurogenesis might counter the death of neurons that occurs in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease. 谨慎地活化这些促使神经新生的分子,也许能弥补因阿兹海默症与帕金森氏症而死亡的神经细胞。
Careful screening of the subjects was accomplished by Navy psychologists through the military records, and those who actually received assignments where their training could be utilized, were drawn mainly from submarine crews, the paratroops, and many wer 通过军事记录,能仔细检查项目是否被海军心理学家完成,而且那些实际收到任务,那儿他们的训练能被利用,他们主要是从潜艇人员、空降兵以及许多在服军事徒刑的被判有谋杀罪的人们那抽调过去的。
Careful study of the market is a prerequisite for success. 仔细研究市场情况是取得成功的先决条件.
Careful the stuff doesn't spill out! 当心不要把东西溅出来!
Careful! Caregul! That reactor is unstable! 注意!注意!那个原子反应堆不稳定!
Carefully choices should be made in respect to types, specifications and number of layers based on operation conditions. Strength safely coefficients must meet with the requirement listed in table below. 根据实际情况仔细选择合适的型号、规格和胶布层数的输送胶带。其强度安全系数要符合下表规定。

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