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Monday is our rest day.

Monday is always an off-day for me. 对我来说星期一总是诸事不宜.
Monday is my busiest day. 星期一是我最忙碌的一天。
Monday is my teacher's busiest day. 星期一是我们老师最忙的一天。
Monday is our best busiest day . 我们星期一最忙.
Monday is our busiest day. 我们星期一最忙.
Monday is our rest day. 星期一是驯鹿休息日。
Monday is the busiest day for us. 我们星期一最忙.
Monday is the key of the week. 星期一是一周的关键。
Monday is the last day of Beijing's four-day experiment to test whether pulling 1.3 million cars off its roads each day would prove effective in reducing air pollution during the Games. 周一是北京测试赛130万辆汽车不允许上路的最后一天,这样将在奥运会期间有效降低大气污染。
Monday morning came, and there was Kyle with the huge stack of books again. 周一早上,凯尔又拿着那一大堆书。
Monday night, five Afgha working at a U.S. military base co truction site in eastern Kunar province were shot dead while riding in a vehicle. 星期一晚上,东部库纳尔省的5名在阿富汗东部美军基地建筑工地工作的阿富汗人在乘车途中被开枪打死。

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