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He was not a success as a governor.

He was nominated one of the trustees. 他被指定为受托人之一。
He was nomitated as our monitor. 他被选为我们班的班长。
He was not a little tired. 他很累.
He was not a man to neglect his friends. 他不是个疏忽朋友的人。
He was not a spirit or an immortal soul. 他不是鬼怪或不腐坏的灵魂。
He was not a success as a governor. 就作州长而言,他不是一个成功者。
He was not able to hatch chickens while the hen could. 母鸡能孵出小鸡来,而他却不能。
He was not able to mature his plans. 他未能成熟面对他的计划。
He was not all confused. 他一点儿也不糊涂。
He was not always a master of diplomacy—as when he dismissed “Old Europe”—but henevertheless cheered up a demoralised country. 他曾经蔑视“老欧洲”,然而这一评价却重新振奋了欧洲低靡以久的士气。
He was not an impartial witness because of his affinity with the accused. 他不是公正的见证人,因为他与被告有姻亲关系.

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