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China, well known for its pungent toilets, is scheduled to host the World Toilet Summit in 2004.

China, the longest running civilization on earth, the remnants of the old rub shoulders with the realities of the new. 中国作为世界现存最古老的文明,在这里历史的遗迹和当代的现实共存。
China, the nearest North Korea has to a backer, openly condemned its communist neighbor after it announced on Monday it had conducted a nuclear test and agreed to limited sanctions. 朝鲜周一宣布其进行了核试验后,作为朝鲜最亲密的支持者—中国公开谴责这个共产主义邻国并同意实施有限度的制裁。
China, the worlds most populous nation, is critical to the United States because it is a leading trader, consumer and investor. 作为世界上人口最多的国家,中国对美国来说至关重要,因为它是最主要的贸易国、消费国及投资国。
China, too, appears not to be dormant. 中国也是这样,并没有停滞不前。
China, too, has serious clutter problems. 中国也存在严重的广告干扰问题。
China, well known for its pungent toilets, is scheduled to host the World Toilet Summit in 2004. 厕所环境向来为人诟病的中国,即将主办二00四年的世界厕所高峰会。
China, which invented the abacus as we know it today, should tell its statisticians to fix theirs. 正如我们今天都知道的,中国,是它发明了算盘,那么它也应该让它的统计员们正确地使用他们的算盘。
China, with its remarkable experience in development and expertise in security, can make a leading contribution to this vital global breakthrough. 中国在发展方面有出色经验,在安全方面也独具专长,因此,可以为这一至关重要的全球性突破作出主导性贡献。
China, with its sharply rising demand, vigorously competes with Japan for Siberian oil, and the U.S., Russia and Iran are all in a diplomatic tussle to control oil in Kazakhstan and Azerbaijan. 石油需求迅速窜升的中国,正积极与日本争夺西伯利亚石油;美国、俄罗斯和伊朗也在进行外交角力战,企图控制哈萨克和亚塞拜然的原油。
China, you are old enough and wise enough to reject western cultural imperialism. The rest of the world is looking to you to set a new standard!!! 中国,你已经足够成熟与悠久,足够明智,可以抵御西方的文化帝国主义了。世界在期待你树立新标!!!
China,with civilized history of five thousands years,not only output the four famous invention:compass,powder,paper making and printing,but also spreaded the traditional knowledges and methods of health protection to the world,such as shadowboxing, qigong 有着五千年文明史的中国不仅向世界输出了指南针、火药、造纸术和活字印刷等四大发明,而且还传播了传统保健知识和方法,例如太极拳、气功和按摩。

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