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4 The employee will not get his salary for the period of his private affair leave (we calculate salary according to 21 working days per month).

4 The carrier or the signatory may unilaterally terminate the contract by written notice to the other party to the contract at any time after the minimum quantity of cargo committed under the contract has been met . 4在达到合同规定的最少承运量以后,承运人或签字者可随时以书面通知的形式单方终止此合同。
4 The company distributes the manager two rooms. 公司给经理分了两间房.
4 The copyright and all other intellectual property rights in the information on the Website belong and are reserved to the relevant owners. 4本网站所载的资料的版权和其他知识产权属于有关拥有人,并由有关拥有人保留。
4 The dredging operation shall be at rate of no more than 40 m3 per hour within the designated site boundary. 在指定工地界线内进行的挖泥作业,须以不超出每小时40立方米的速度进行。
4 The dust reflects the light and spread it around. 灰尘反射光线,使它光芒四射。
4 The employee will not get his salary for the period of his private affair leave (we calculate salary according to 21 working days per month). 事假缺勤时间按小时累计计算(不足一小时按一小时计算),累计满八小时按一天计算。
4 The execution, formation, performance and settlement of disputes of this Tenancy Agreement are governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. 此合同的签署、建立、实施及争议的解决均按照中华人民共和国的法律。
4 The method for calculating the xd adjustment uses the divisor as at the close of business on the preceding day after implementing any capitalisation changes. 4计算除权调整的方法应用在除权当日实施资本变动完毕后的收盘价作为除数。
4 The modern recording industry was born to satisfy an enormous market for all types of music: folk, classical, orchestral and popular. 现代录音行业的诞生旨在满足市场对各种音乐如间乐、古典乐、管弦乐、流行乐等音乐的巨大需求。
4 The older you get, the tougher it is to lose weight, because by then your body and your fat are really good friends. 年纪越大就越难减肥,因为你的身体与你的脂肪已经成为好朋友了,呵呵。
4 The only shortcoming is during peak hours, you may not be able to find a seat. 唯一的缺点是在繁忙时间里,你也许会找不到座位。

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