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In another universe, he went on to become a highly paid software developer.

In another sign of the distance still to be traveled, India's commerce and industries minister told the reporters his country will not compromise the interest of millions of its subsistence farmers. 另一迹象表明达成共识还有距离.印度商业及工业部长告诉记者,他们国家不会牺牲千千万万农民的利益.
In another sign of the distance still to be traveled,india's commerce and industries minister KN told reporters his country will not compromise the interests of millions of its subsistence farmers. 另有迹象表明达成协议还有遥远的距离,如印度商业和工业部长kN告诉记者他们国家就不会在关系数百万农民生存利益问题上作出妥协。
In another survey on sexual well-being by Durex this year, just 42 percent of Chinese people said they were completely satisfied with their sex life. 杜蕾丝今年所做的一项与性生活质量有关的调查中,仅有42%的中国人对他们的性生活十分满意。
In another the lake of the part, have one? object like firm person's fish at not know to do what matter. 在另一边的湖中,有一扎人鱼之类的物体在不知做什么事。
In another they laid down forming a vast blanket around a naked man in wheelchair. 在另一张照片中,赤裸的人群躺在一名轮椅中的赤裸者周围,形成了一张巨大的毯子。
In another universe, he went on to become a highly paid software developer. 在另一个宇宙中,他继续努力晋身为一名高收入的软体工程师。
In another village of western Shantung, I heard of a landlord who had been attracted by the charms of a young neighbor girl, the daughter-in-law of his own cousin. 我在鲁西的另一个村子里,还听说这样一件事:一个地主看上了邻舍的一个女子,这女子是他表兄的儿媳妇。
In another woman, electrical current delivered to the angular gyrus produced an uncanny feeling that someone was behind her, intent on interfering with her actions. 另一名妇女,传送到角回的电流使她产生一种异样的感觉:她身后有人,想要干涉她的行动。
In another word ,study disbelieve the viewpoint of other per people. Found self-confidence.That is the key. 另一种说法,学会怀疑他人的观点。建立自信,那是成为幸运儿的关键。
In another word, the school is placing downtown area and graceful, face old street and have fragrance of books, is the ideal place to go to school. 可以说,我们学校是“处闹市而得高雅,临老街而有书香”的优秀求学之地。
In another, the client again sits on a server of its own and commands a file server to back up, but this time to a storage device located elsewhere on the network. 另一种是,客户还是在自己的服务器上,命令文件服务器进行备份,但这时是在位于网络某处的存储设备上备份。

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