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Furthermore, our company is familiar with Chinese registration procedures for foreign drugs and has successfully assisted many overseas pharmaceutical laboratories to get the Import Drug Licenses in China.

Furthermore, many epithelial cells of the mucous membranes contain cilia that actively remove microorganisms. 而且一些粘膜表面的上皮细胞含有纤毛能除去微生物。
Furthermore, many invertebrates that live in the depths of the ocean never experience change in the depths of the ocean never experience change in the chill of the deep water, and their body temperatures remain constant. 此外,很多住在深海的无脊椎动物(变温动物)在寒冷的深水中从未经历过温度变化,因为海洋深处的冰冷海水的温度从没变化过,所以他们的体温也是恒温的。
Furthermore, more using biology laboratory and more opportunities of doing laboratory activities in biology classes, and frequently peruse extracurricular readings, all can improve the subjects' biology concept growth. 就本研究的对象而言,位于台北市学生的生物概念成长显著优于台北县学生,生物概念成长并不因性别的不同而有显著差异。
Furthermore, no distinction shall be made on the basis of the political, jurisdictional or international status of the country or territory to which a person belongs, whether it be independent, trust, non-self-governing or under any other limitation of so 并且不得因一人所属的国家或领土的政治的、行政的或者国际的地位之不同而有所区别,无论该领土是独立领土、托管领土、非自治领土或者处于其他任何主权受限制的情况之下。
Furthermore, only when we keep this disjunction at origin, can the Other, the future and the justice have a opportunity to come. 这种“裂缝”不仅不应当被克服,反而应当在开端处就予以保持,如此才能给他者、未来和正义的到来保有一线机会。
Furthermore, our company is familiar with Chinese registration procedures for foreign drugs and has successfully assisted many overseas pharmaceutical laboratories to get the Import Drug Licenses in China. 另外,我公司谙熟国外药品在中国的审批、注册程序,并已成功地协助多家国外制药企业在中国取得药品的进口注册证。
Furthermore, over the issue China and America are asymmetric in their respective interests. 在台湾问题上,中美两国的利益是不对等的。
Furthermore, people who addict to fashion clothes have to spend more time going shopping and pay more attention to the impression they make on others. 而且,沉湎于时尚服装的人们不得不花费更多时间逛商店,更加注意自己给别人的印象。
Furthermore, people who addict to fashion clothes have to spend more time going shopping and pay more attention to the impression they make on others. As a result, it is impossible to devote enough time and energy in their study and job. 而且,沉湎于时尚服装的人们不得不花费更多时间逛商店,更加注意自己给别人的印象。因此,他们不可能有足够的时间用于学习或工作。
Furthermore, rich-country multinationals may struggle to shed nationalistic cultures. 而且,富裕国家的跨国公司还得努力摆脱民族主义文化。
Furthermore, several experiments have been made based on the novel and the traditional simulated annealing methods. 笔者分别对此方法和传统的模拟退火算法,进行多项仿真实验。

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