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Police patrol the streets at night.

Police officers had left the vehicle in the car park with the engine running, while they investigated a report that a stolen card had been used at the post office, the Mainichi newspaper said on Tuesday. 据路透社2月6日报道,由于接到有人曾经在这家邮局里使用偷来的信用卡的报案,多名警官立即前往进行调查,他们将所驾警车在不熄火的情况下停放在该邮局门外。
Police officers stand on guard against prostitutes during a public parade in Shenzhen, South China's Guangdong Province November 29, 2006. 11月29日,深圳警方为期两月的扫黄行动初见成效,许多地下卖淫窝点被打掉,不法性交易也得到有效遏制。
Police officers usually wear uniforms. 警察通常穿着制服。
Police officials say that the noose is tightening in the manhunt for an escaped inmate accused of shooting 2 state troopers in New York. 警方正式宣布对一逃犯的追捕网正逐渐收紧,该逃犯因在纽约因枪击两名国家骑警而遭到指控。
Police officials there say there are signs Colombian rebels are planning attacks, but add security precautions are already in place. 警方官员说,有迹象显示,哥伦比亚的反叛分子正在制订袭击计划,但是他们补充说,他们已经采取了安全防范措施。
Police patrol the streets at night. 警察晚间在街道上巡逻.
Police physical education is an important part of the police school education strategy. 摘要警体教学是公安院校育人战略的重要组成部分。
Police preferred charges against him for theft. 警方指控他有偷窃行为。
Police protection for Prince William's girlfriend has been stepped up as paparazzi relentlessly pursue her in an eerie reminder of how they shadowed William's mother, Princess Diana. 警方对威廉王子俄女友的保护措施正在逐步加强,近来她遭到狗仔队的紧盯,让人担忧其会步入戴妃的后尘。
Police radar and laser detection guns verified speeding drivers. 警方侦破持枪验证和激光雷达超速驾驶.
Police raiding home in Britain arrests Somali man believe to be one of fugitive bombers in last week's fail in London transit system. 英国警方在一处民宅的搜捕行动中抓获了一名索马里人,警方坚信该男子就是上周针对伦敦交通系统炸弹袭击失败后逃脱的案犯之一。

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