The government hoped to consolidate ten states to form three new ones.
政府希望把十个州合并成三个新的州。 |
The government hushed the affair up to avoid a public outcry.
当局对此事秘而不宣, 以免引起公众抗议. |
The government ignored his advice.
政府对他的忠告置之不理. |
The government imposed a heavy tax on luxury goods.
政府对奢侈品课以重税。 |
The government in Pyongyang is committed to freezing swiftly its main nuclear facility at Yongbyon, where, among other things, plutonium is extracted from spent fuel rods.
平壤政府承诺很快冻结其位于宁边的核设施,在那里,除开许多其他核相关活动以外,钚是从用过的燃料棒中提取浓缩的。 |
The government inflicted excessively heavy income taxes on the people.
那个政府在人民身上征收了过重的税。 |
The government information bureau's overseas website in New York still has not updated its information about the new presentation over ten days since Abni's inauguration.
虽然阿扁已经就职十几工但是新闻局伫米国纽约耶海外网站耶资料犹原搁写李登辉总统,无更新。 |
The government insists that any dogs confiscated in Beijing will be fed and vaccinated at a government-funded dog pound.
政府强调所有被没收的狗将按照规定关入由政府部门兴建的犬类收容所并进行强制免疫。 |
The government intends to cut expenditure on arms.
政府打算削减军备开支。 |
The government intends to free more resources for educational purposes.
政府想把更多的资源用於教育方面. |
The government introduced a comprehe ive package of measures aimed at restoring financial order as well as addre ing the inflationary pre ure and sig of overheating,particularly in the real estate sector and the stock markets.
政府采取了一系列措施以整顿金融秩序,应对通货膨胀的压力及经济过热现象,尤其是房地产和股票市场的过热现象。 |