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[Summary] As a special investigate system or measure, allure to investigate is limitedly applied among the criminal lawsuit of our country.

[Should you have any queries or need further assistance, please feel free to call your Standard Chartered Bank representative. 如果你有任何问题或需要进一步帮助。请联系你在渣打银行代理人。
[Since Harry is inventing that story off the top of his head when he actually sees nothing at all, and since it's simply based on what he wishes would happen, I don't think it's an example of divination at all, just coincidence, so there is no need for it [因为哈利在根本没有看到任何东西的情况下莫名其妙的编造了这个故事,而且这仅仅基于他希望发生的事情上,所以我根本不认为这是“预言”的一个实例,仅仅是巧合,所以没必要讨论它与这个理论的契合度。
[Size=5][Color=Black][B]I think someone has been carving animals. 我看是有人一直在这儿雕刻动物哩。
[Stability] in the value of nation's currency depends on [foreign] exchange markets and economic conditions. 一个国家货币价值的稳定性取决于外汇市场和经济状况。
[Student: Eggplant sauteed in soy sauce? How good is that? 学生:红烧茄子有什么好吃的?
[Summary] As a special investigate system or measure, allure to investigate is limitedly applied among the criminal lawsuit of our country. “诱惑侦查”作为一项特殊的侦查制度或者措施正在有限制地应用于我国的刑事诉讼之中。
[Summary]The accession to the WTO will have a extensive and far-reaching impact on China's finance, and will go through one from weak to strong , and then from strong to the weak course. 加入世界贸易组织将对中国财政产生广泛而深远的影响,并且会经历一个由弱到强、再由强到弱的过程。
[Synopsis] Introduction of the plant: Please takes the cover out and water the plant every day .The grasses will burgeon in a week.When the grass is long enough,you can decided their hair style as you like by cutting them . 取掉球星罐的罐盖,往里面浇水,每天浇水一次,一周左右即可发芽,等待草长到一定高度时,选择你所喜欢的发型即可对它进行裁剪。
[Synopsis] This article reveals that the surplus outside the value (Surplus Value) and the surplus within the value (Value Surplus) belong to two different types of social wealth increment ; though they are closely related in the process of social wealth 本文通过量化的方法,揭示出价值外的剩余(剩余价值)与价值内的剩余(价值剩余)属于两种不同的社会财富增长方式;虽然它们在社会财富的增长过程中有密切的联系,但二者有着各自独特的经济规律。
[T]he lucid and anguished observer has been taken in hand, purged, by the severity of theory. 清醒而痛苦的观察者陷入严苛理论的掌控,进而遭受理论的清算。」
[T]he tunnel was quiet as the grave, and the first unexpected sound they heard was a loud crunch as Ron stepped on what turned out to be a rat's skull. 隧道里像坟墓一样安静,第一个意料之外的声音来自罗恩,他踩到了后来被发现是一个死老鼠的头骨,“库吃”一声。

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