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The soup is a little too salty for me.

The sounds of Christmas songs and honking horns provided background music for our walk through the streets. 圣诞节的歌声与汽车的喇叭声交汇在一起,成为我们穿街走巷购物的绝妙音乐背景。
The sounds of the video game of the past, which thrilled us at arcades and at home, have now returned in an 8-bit anthology. 商场、家庭曾经疯狂迷恋的昔日录像游戏,其音声现在被录制为8单元的名曲集。
The sounds of these words evoke the flow of soft wine across your tongue: Bordeaux, Val de Loire and Beaujolais. 这些地名就像柔滑的葡萄酒一样从你的舌间流出:波尔多、瓦·卢瓦尔和博若莱。
The sounds was so stentorian, far and near resounded with the battalion commander's strong Si Chuan accent, I could not fall asleep at all. 声音那么大,四面八方都回荡着营长那浓重的四川口音,吵的我根本没有办法熟睡。
The soup has gone sour. 这汤发酸了。
The soup is a little too salty for me. 我觉得汤有点太咸了。
The soup needs more flavouring. 这汤应该再加点调料-。
The soup regime was tested by researchers at Pennsylvania State University, led by Dr Barbara Rolls. 由宾夕法尼亚州立大学的芭芭拉·罗尔斯博士带领的一组研究人员对这种喝汤减肥法进行了测试。
The sour vapour pours into the flourishing flour factory. It's the source of resources. 酸蒸汽涌进兴旺的面粉厂.这是资源的源泉.
The source code for a work means the preferred form of the work for making modifications to it. 著作的源码,是指对著作进行修改时适用的形式。
The source described the four dams as a pilot proposaland said more study would be needed to assess the larger project. 信息来源把这4座大坝描述作“试验建议,”评估较大的工程项目需要更多的研究。

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