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Erik: It's in the newspaper?

Erik Weihenmayer is the first blind person to climb Mount Everest. 埃里克·威翰梅尔是第一位登上珠穆朗玛峰的盲人。
Erik forgot to put suntan lotion on, and now he's as red as a lobster. (艾力克忘了擦防晒油,结果现在全身通红像只龙虾似的。)
Erik on himself rejected eculation his tenure with the Rome club could be cut short. 艾力臣反驳传言,否认会提早离开拉素。
Erik, one of the singers in the band, is talking to Li Weiyin , a journalist from CCTV. 乐队中的一名歌手正在和中央电视台的记者李伟银谈话。
Erik, one of the singers in the band, is talking to Li Weiyin, a journalist from the CCTV. 乐队的歌手之一,埃里克正在接受中央电视台的记者李伟音的采访。
Erik: It's in the newspaper? 艾瑞克:这都上报纸了?
Erik: To find the cure. 艾瑞克:给他找解药。
Erik: What the hell are you doing here? Why arent you on the plane? 埃里克:见鬼,你在这做什么?不是应该上飞机了么?
Erik: Why can't I go see Dad? 艾瑞克:我干吗不能去找爸爸?
Eriksson admits his side must improve from their faltering displays so far this season, while he accepts they must also avoid injuries to key players to make a major impact in Germany. 埃里克森承认他们必须从前期不尽人意的表现中吸取教训,他也表示他们必须尽量避免主要队员的伤病以便更好备战明年在德国的重要战役。
Eriksson also played down Wayne Rooney's reaction to being taken off during an ineffective second period. 埃里克森也只能将希望寄托在鲁尼身上,寄望他啊在接下来的第二轮的淘汰赛中能有出色的比赛,再次腾飞.

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