Tsai Kang Yong also used this chance to stand up for Patty about the incident saying that she was smiling the whole time and there definetely wasn't any scolding. |
中文意思: 另外,蔡康永也透露应在金马奖过后,侯佩岑便会来到「康永富家」作客,好好的接受蔡康永拷问一番。 |
Trying to study a lesson for one class during another class is like robbing Peter to pay Paul.
在一节课中读另一节课的功课等于是拆东墙补西墙。 |
Trying to swat a fly can be among the most frustrating household activities. Now scientists know why it is so hard.
日前,美国科学家通过研究发现苍蝇成功逃跑的秘密,它们会在危险来临时跳走,而并不是设法飞走。 |
Trying to teach healthy nutrition means to know how to join the respect a child's personal inclinations with the need of “funnelling” his self-regulation in “healthy” limits.
若要教导孩子摄取健康的营养就要懂得如何尊重孩子的个人偏好,又能技巧性的限制孩子不好的饮食习惯。 |
Trying to touch memory past the end of your allocated block will earn you an immediate page fault.
尝试接触超过你所分配的(内存)块的末端将让你获得一个直接的页面错误。 |
Trying various colors, we drew houses, trees and three-dimensional boxes.
我们用各种各样的颜色画了房子、树和三维立体的盒子。 |
Tsai Kang Yong also used this chance to stand up for Patty about the incident saying that she was smiling the whole time and there definetely wasn't any scolding.
另外,蔡康永也透露应在金马奖过后,侯佩岑便会来到「康永富家」作客,好好的接受蔡康永拷问一番。 |
Tsai Ming-Liang, the poet of desire, despair, and longing transmuted into hope, has made his most daringly tender and personal film to date.
蔡明亮,表述欲望、绝望、渴望转化成希望的诗人,拍了他最温柔且私人的电影。 |
Tsai, C.-C. P. (1992). Engineering implications of asperity-induced ground motion, Ph.D. Dissertation, Dept. of Civil Engr., Stanford Univ., Stanford, California, USA, 245 pp.
蔡主权(1982).台湾区地震危害度分析之研究,硕士论文,国立台湾工业技术学院工程技术研究所,营建工程技术组,142页。 |
Tsai, C.-Y. and Yun-Peng Chu, 2004/09, “Building Bridge among Universities, Research Institute, and Industry in Taiwan”, Stanford, California: Stanford-ITRI, Seminar on Industrial Technology Development.
朱云鹏,2002/9,〈新兴高科技产业发展与产业之知识化:如何解除提高产业附加价值的制度面瓶颈〉,台大经济系:梁国树纪念研讨会。 |
Tsai, Kellee. Back-Alley Banking: Private Entrepreneurs in China. Ithaca: Cornell Univ. Press, 2002.
蔡凯莉,《银行业务的背后管道:私有企业家在中国》,绮色佳:康乃尔大学,2002年。 |
Tsai, Meishi (2001/6/13-2001/6). The Daffodil, Southern Hills, and Moments of Enlightenment. English Department, Providence University,English Faculty Seminar. Taichung.
圣经比喻的文学形式、叙述技巧与神学意义).比较文学学会,静宜大学,中华民国全国第廿八届比较文学学术研讨会.静宜大学. |