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You'll end up talking to yourself.

You'll dine Pilgrim style—with your hands. 你可以用手来尝试吃清教徒式的餐饮方式。
You'll drill into one of a dozen gas lines behind the wall. There'll be an explosion, and we'll be burned alive. 你会钻裂墙里的煤气管道。会发生爆炸,而我们会被活活烧死。
You'll drive me mad/crazy/wild. 你会使我发疯(发狂).
You'll drive me to distraction with your silly questions! 你的那些傻问题简直要我的命!
You'll ee that our offer compare favorably with the quotatio you ca get elsewhere. 你会发现我们的报价比别处要便宜。
You'll end up talking to yourself. 你到头来会自言自语。
You'll enjoy better health and peace of mind. 你将拥有更健康的身体和平和的心态。
You'll even be able to WALK out of the pool like a normal human. 你甚至可以从泳池是垂直地走到岸边。
You'll eventually find out that all those cool effects that you wanted to implement will be 15% or less of the total code you end up writing. 最终你会发现,全部这些你打算去实现的很酷的效果在整个代码工作量中只占15%不到。
You'll fail in French unless you work harder. 你要是不再加把劲儿, 法语就考不及格了.
You'll fail in French unless you work harder. 你要是不再加把劲儿,法语就考不及格了.

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