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Indirect ophthalmoscopy of the right eye revealed diffuse retina edema with a poorly defined cherry red spot.

Indirect discrimination can occur if there are rules or requirements which apply to everyone, but which have the effect of disadvantaging one group and are not reasonable in the circumstances. 间接的歧视包括,制定对某一群人有不利因素,不合理的且适用于所有雇员的规定或要求。
Indirect harm Cockroach carries a variety of pathogenic microorganisms such as bacteria, virus, protozoon, parasitic ovum and fungi, etc. 蟑螂能携带多种细菌、病毒、原虫、寄生虫卵、真菌等病原微生物。
Indirect investment typically refers to holding or trading securities in companies or trusts that engage in direct real estate activities. 间接投资通常是指持有或交易牵涉直接投资活动中的公司的证券或信托。
Indirect material consumption and wastage monitoring and control. 间接物料的消耗和使用的监控。
Indirect materials information (e.g. glue, cleaning reagent) is well identified and labeled. 生产辅料(如:胶水,清洁剂)资料作有效标识.
Indirect ophthalmoscopy of the right eye revealed diffuse retina edema with a poorly defined cherry red spot. 间接眼底镜发现右眼视网膜弥漫性水肿合并有一不明显的樱桃红斑点。
Indirect?communication?i.e.?beating?around?the?bush;? 说话绕弯子,不切中主题;?
Indirectly construct it using a document template. 使用文档模板间接地构建。
Indiscretion broke both marriage and career. 鲁莽轻率使他的婚姻和事业都失败了
Indiscriminate in the choice of sexual partners. 杂交的,男女乱交的在选择性伴侣时不加区分的
Indiscriminate throwing of lighted cigarette ends. 乱扔亮燃的烟蒂。

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