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Do not complain in the face of bad karmic forces.Be forgiving and accommodating instead of complaining.

Do not chew food or chewing gum, or smoke. It makes it more difficult to understand what you are saying. 不要咀嚼食物或口香糖。这会使理解你的话变得更困难。
Do not chew gum while on duty. 不要在工作时咀嚼口香糖。
Do not clutter the desk with loads of collaterals – make it free and clear, ready for the guest to use. 不要让无关的东西占满桌面,要把桌子收拾得干净,便于客人使用。
Do not come unless i call you. 除非我打电话,否则你别来.
Do not complain about playing conditions whilst a match is in progress. 在比赛仍在进行时,不能对比赛形势表达不满。
Do not complain in the face of bad karmic forces.Be forgiving and accommodating instead of complaining. 面对业力不要埋苑,要用宽谅和乐的心来代替埋苑。
Do not concede a frame or match when you have missed a shot or whilst your opponent is still at the table. 在某盘或某场比赛中,当你击失一杆或你的对手仍在台面击球时,不能认输。
Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. 不要死守着旧世界的规则,你要不断的更新你的观念。
Do not connect any other system's power supply cord to this unit's power supply cord directly. 不要把其它系统的电源线和本机电源线直接相连。
Do not connect the speaker terminals to the car chassis, or connect the terminals of the right speakers with those of the left speaker. 不要把扬声器端子连到汽车外壳上,或把左右扬声器的端子相连。
Do not connect the unit's speaker cords to each other. 不要相互连接本机的扬声器电线。

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