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A preemptive neutralization drill has stirred up the members of the Red Revolutionary terrorist Unit! The Hero must take them down or else succumb to their anarchy!

A predictable result and, in fairness, with the loss of their keeper a minute after half-time, it was just a question of how many more Chelsea would score. 公平的讲,这是一个可以预料的结果;只是由于中场开球之后的意外,对方守门员被罚下,使得切尔西迎多少球成为了悬念。
A prediction method of lift to drag ratio of subsonic maneuverable missile was given. 利用客机/货机升阻特性的预测方法对亚声速飞航导弹的升阻特性进行预测,并给出了合理的修正。
A prediction; a prophecy. 预言;预告,预报
A predictor-corrector method to get the forward solution of a 6-SPS parallel manipulator was presented based on the principle of position tracking. 摘要以6-SPS并联机构为例,基于路径跟踪原理,提出一种求解并联机构位置正解的预估-校正法。
A preeminent actor can bring a fictional character to life. 一个优秀的演员能把虚拟的人物演得有声有色.
A preemptive neutralization drill has stirred up the members of the Red Revolutionary terrorist Unit! The Hero must take them down or else succumb to their anarchy! 先发制人的中立训练激起红色革命恐怖分子的叛乱!英雄必须站出来对抗他们或屈服于这无政府状态之下!
A preface or prologue, as to a literary composition, especially an early English play. 前言引言或序幕,如文学作品的前言,尤指早期英国剧作的序幕
A pregnant woman's sex drive can change as often as her moods. 一个怀孕的女人的性欲望可能时常因为她的情绪而变化。
A prehistoric site near Lake Turkana, the lower valley of the Omo is renowned the world over. 奥莫低谷位于图阿卡那湖附近,是世界上著名的史前文化遗址。
A prehistoric-looking creature, it is distinguishable from its cousin, the American alligator, by its longer, thinner snout, its lighter color, and two long teeth on the lower jaw that are visible when its mouth is closed. 这种类似史前动物的家伙很容易通过它的长嘴,亮丽的颜色,和嘴巴闭合时仍然露在外面的尖牙与它的亲属美洲短吻鳄区别开来.
A prejudice is a vagrant opinion without visible means of support. 偏见是一种游移不定的意见,缺乏明显的说服力.

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