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The girl is not on good term with her parents, they play favorites with her little brother.

The girl is chary of strangers. 那女孩对陌生人小心谨慎的。
The girl is in the custody of her aunt after her parents' death. 自从她的父母去世后, 那个女孩受她的姨母保护。
The girl is jealous of her hat. 女孩小心翼翼的保护自己的帽子.
The girl is keen on singing and dancing. 这个女孩热衷于唱歌和跳舞.
The girl is lively as well as healthy . 这女孩既健康又活泼。
The girl is not on good term with her parents, they play favorites with her little brother. 那个女孩与父母关系不好。他们对她的弟弟有偏心眼。
The girl is of a confiding nature. 这女孩具有轻信别人的性格。
The girl is quite suited for the position [work]. 这姑娘很适合担任这个职务[这个工作]。
The girl is ready at all times to go to parties. 那女孩随时都准备着去参加聚会。
The girl is very clever and competent and will go far in her new job. 这女孩子很聪明,能干,将来在新的工作岗位上大有前途的。
The girl is winnowing the chaff from the corn. 那个女孩正在簸去谷壳。

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