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Pistil can be pollinated.

Pilgrim at Tinker Creek: The Apotheosis of American Contemporary Ecological Prose 《汀克溪的朝圣者》押美国当代生态散文的典范
Piling Work in Karachi Port.Pakistan 巴基斯坦卡拉奇港桩工记事
Pipe sticking occurred at 79. m while tripping out after drilled to 807. 8 m on 0, May, the same year. It was freed through strong jarring and pulling up. 同年月 0日钻至807.8m,起钻到 79. m卡钻,经强力震击和上提090kNK卡。
Pipe-Jacking Technology with Slight Settlement of Reinforced Concrete Grooved-and-Tongued Pipe 控制地面沉降的钢筋混凝土企口管顶管施工技术
Piper nigrum L 0.00 , 0.007,0.000,0.00ug/g; 胡椒中相应农残含量分别为0.00 、0.007、0.000及0.00μg/g;
Pistil can be pollinated. 雌蕊能正常授粉。
Pityriasis capitis and zinc pyridinethione 头皮糠疹与巯氧吡啶锌
Placing the Molteno implant in a long scleral tunnel to prevent postoperative tube exposure 将Molteno引流装置放入一个长巩膜隧道以防止术后引流管暴露
Plainly Analysis of Communication Power Supply Installation 浅谈通信电源设备的安装
Plainly study the CPL -the implement technology of increment service based on VoIP 浅谈基于VoIP电话增值业务的实现技术——CPL语言
Plan of Communiction Network of Sipping EIS for Changjiang Rivr System 长江水系航运经济信息系统通信网络规划

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