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The results of this study are summarized as follows: immune injecting man-made salmonella propolis inactivated vaccine and avian typhoid 9R live vaccine can protect flocks from infecting salmonella and immuning commercial chichling with man-made salmonell

The results of this policy will remain dubious for some time. 这项政策的效果短期内难以确定.
The results of this reaction are hydroxyl radicals, which attack both inorganic and organic compounds, and turn them into molecules that can be harmlessly washed away with the next rainfall. 它能清净空气,因为它是个有效的光催化剂:加速阳光中的紫外线分解空气中水分子的速度,这个反应产生的羟基自由基,会攻击空气中的有机或无机化合物,将它们变成无害的分子,而且下一场雨就可以冲走了。
The results of this research can be applied to new developments in technology. 这项研究成果能应用於新的技术开发方面.
The results of this study are as follows: (1) Several participatory indexes are defined to analyze the participatory relationship in the multi-group collaborative system. 本研究发现当分散率固定时,参与广泛率随者平衡率递增而产生曲线型增长;当分散率递增时,其参与广泛率亦产生阶层性之递增现象。
The results of this study are enumerated as follows which includes Product, Usage, Teach and learn status, Educational administration, Technical environment, and Co-operation experiment. 根据前述成果,本研究另从实验学校、教师教学、学生学习、研发单位、相关业者、政府层级等层面,提出使用性的参考建言及对后续研究的建议。
The results of this study are summarized as follows: immune injecting man-made salmonella propolis inactivated vaccine and avian typhoid 9R live vaccine can protect flocks from infecting salmonella and immuning commercial chichling with man-made salmonell 研究表明:用禽伤寒9R株活疫苗配合自制沙门氏菌蜂胶灭活苗免疫注射父母代种鸡,可有效防治种鸡群再次感染沙门氏菌病;发病后的商品代雏鸡用药物治疗的同时用自制沙门氏菌灭活苗免疫,可有效降低死亡率。
The results of this study are useful for the design and operation of dry or semidry processes that use BFS/HL sorbents to remove SO2 from flue gas. 本研究的结果有助于使用炉石/氢氧化钙作为吸收剂的干式与半干式除硫系统之设计与操作。
The results of this study can be a reference for related academic research and can also be used to develop related products for industry production. 本文所获得之研究成果可提供管件液压成形业者进行制程规划以及模具设计时的参考。
The results of this study indicate the interaction effect of goal-involvement and extrinsic reward on intrinsic were statistically significant. 二、不同目标涉入受试者在消息面外在报酬中,内在动机未达显着差异,只有在控制面外在报酬中才达显着差异。
The results of this study may help medical personnel understand the quality of life and coping behaviors of women with nocturia. 而愈认为夜尿是疾病现象、生活品质愈差者,其愈会为夜尿而就医。
The results of this study might assist the clinical nurses in understanding the needs of patients who undergo MRM surgery in order to provide more adequate nursing care under the current NHI reimbursement policy. 这结果可帮助护理人员了解现行健保制度下乳癌手术病人的护理需求,进而提供病人更合适的护理照护。

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