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Rift Stalker Armor: The pet healing set bonus now heals for a percentage of damage dealt by the Hunter.

Rieter has been present in China for more than 70 years and is among the recognised market leaders for spinning machines. 立达集团的纺织机械销售业务已在中国开展了70多年,被公认为纺纱机械市场的领导者。
Rifeng enterprise culture that takes Rifeng spirit of innovation, specialty, unity and faithfulness and management theory of “we engages in more professional service” as core, it highlights culture unique feature “Base on people”, stresses on the enterpri 以创新、专业、团结和忠诚的日丰精神和“我们从事更专业的服务”的经营理念为核心的日丰机械企业文化,突出了“以人为本”的文化特色,强调企业不仅要提供优质的产品,同时也要服务社会、造就员工、追求企业与员工的共同成长,从而产生强烈的感召力和凝聚力,有力地推动了企业的持续发展。
Rifle and knife were both missing. 枪和猎刀都弄丢了。
Rifle on a mountaintop, I′ve got you in my sights. 带着来复枪来到山颠,你就进入了我的视线。
Rifling through an inch-tall pile of documents, he also points to signatures he says prove that Danone representatives agreed in writing to letting non-joint venture companies sell Wahaha products. 宗庆后称他有可出示的文件证明,达能的代表曾签署同意非合资投资公司可以销售娃哈哈产品。
Rift Stalker Armor: The pet healing set bonus now heals for a percentage of damage dealt by the Hunter. 治疗宠物特效现在改成猎人造成伤害的百分比治疗宠物。
Rift widens between U.S. and China over spy plane. In a letter to Bush, the pilot's wife called the president a coward for refusing to apologize. 中美关于间谍飞机事件之间的分歧加大。飞行员(王伟)的妻子在一封给布什总统的信中说布什是个拒绝道歉的懦夫。
Rig Veda is acclaimed as the oldest extant literature available to humans. 《梨俱吠陀》作为对人类有用的现存最古老文献而被称赞。
Rig out a ship 装备一艘船。
Rig up a military alliance 拼凑一个军事同盟。
Riga was a major centre of the Hanseatic League, deriving its prosperity in the 13th15th centuries from the trade with central and eastern Europe. 里加是汉萨同盟的一个主要中心,它同中欧和东欧的贸易在13世纪至15世纪一度非常繁荣。

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