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He has been researching underwater geology since the 1980s, and in the 1990s he co-discovered the deposit that Nautilus is exploring.

He has been promoted to factory director. 他被提升为厂长.
He has been put in solitary confinement for attacking another prisoner. 他因伤害另一囚犯而被隔离监禁.
He has been quietly booted out as chief. 他己被悄悄地免掉主任的职务。
He has been receiving mushy cards and stuffed animals from his girlfriend on his birthdays for 10 years. 十年来,每逢生日,他都能收到女朋友情谊绵绵的贺卡和动物玩具。
He has been reconciled to God this day, and wishes nothing to disturb the sacredness of this relationship, least of all this man who had wronged him. 他今天才与神和好,不希望任何东西去影响今天和神建立的这种圣洁的关系,最不希望的就是眼前这个错误的对待自己的人来破坏这种关系。
He has been researching underwater geology since the 1980s, and in the 1990s he co-discovered the deposit that Nautilus is exploring. 史蒂芬?斯科特自1980年代就开始研究水下地质学,在1990年代,他与别人共同发现了鹦鹉螺公司正在开发的这个矿藏。
He has been saying that for years. 这话他已经说了好几年了。
He has been sent to work in Shanghai. 他已经被派往去上海工作了。
He has been sick for three weeks. 他已经病了几周了。
He has been skating since 9 o'clock. 他从9点钟就开始溜冰了.
He has been sorely missed here but I have spoken to him and he has really enjoyed his time over there. 他在切尔西踢球的时候,他的才能被埋没了,我曾经跟他讲过电话,他说在现在的球队里过得很愉快。

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