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Mr Huang got his master degree of Engineering Surveying at Tongji Uniersity, his doctor degree of Photogrammetry &Remote Sensing at Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping, was once Principal Survey Engineer at Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant in

Mr Hu has also presided over one of the most intensive indoctrination campaigns among party officials in recent years. 胡主席领导了这几年最彻底的对党干部的教育工作。
Mr Hu needs to appear concerned about welfare issues. 胡政府必须关注福利问题。
Mr Hu said democratic “channels” in the party should be expanded, something that is already being done by increasing the number of party members who can vote to elect local officials. 胡锦涛表示,应拓宽党内民主“渠道”,这一点已在进行之中——做法是增加有地方官员投票权的党员数量。
Mr Hu stood at the starting line.All the runners got ready to run. 胡老师站在起跑线上,所有的跑参运动员都准备跑了.
Mr Hu wants to consolidate his power and begin grooming his successors at next year's congress. 胡希望巩固他的政权,并在明年的代表大会对他的继任者们作出安排。
Mr Huang got his master degree of Engineering Surveying at Tongji Uniersity, his doctor degree of Photogrammetry &Remote Sensing at Wuhan Technical University of Surveying and Mapping, was once Principal Survey Engineer at Daya Bay Nuclear Power Plant in 黄明智先生是同济大学工程测量专业硕士、武汉测绘科技大学摄影测量与遥感专业博士,曾任深圳大亚湾核电站测量主管工程师、河海大学测量工程系讲师、新加坡能源公司地理信息系统项目经理等职。
Mr Huang is now thinking how can he sell his shoes at a premium price for USD$100 and more. 黄先生现在开始思考如何将他的鞋卖到100美元/双或更高。
Mr Huang realized that the other part of the profit equation is revenue. 黄先生认识到收入是利润等式的另一个参数。
Mr Hussein's death will not, of course, make him a martyr. 侯赛因的死当然不可能让他成为一名烈士。
Mr Hwang and his cooffers(co-authors) withdrew the report. 黄先生和他的合作者已经取消了这项报告。
Mr Hwang's fakery damaged the integrity of a science that could ill afford any bad news. 黄先生的造假毁坏了一项经不起任何坏消息的科学的诚信。

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