Speed: A half-fiend has bat wings. Unless the base creature has a better fly speed, the creature can fly at the base creature's base land speed (average maneuverability).
速度:半炼狱生物拥有蝠翼。除非其基础生物有更好的飞行速度,半炼狱生物能以其基础生物基本陆地速度的两倍速度飞行(机动力良好)。 |
Speeding fines are not automatic in Belgium and each case goes through the prosecutor's office.
比利时的超速罚单并非自动寄发,每件超速案都必须经由检方办公室处理。 |
Speeding up its history you can see the stars be going off like firecrackers.
如果加快历史的进程,你会看到恒星的爆炸如同噼啪作响的爆竹一样。 |
Speedy group (HK) Limited was founded in 2004,specializing in rare electronic components ,transformer,Adapter and Switching power supply distribution , we've been the world renown electronic components distributor with many years development , especially
鸿源集团成立于2004年,专注于紧缺电子元件的分销业务,经过多年的努力,现已发展成为世界知名的电子元件分销商,特别在无源元件(钽电容、电容、电感)和电子配件(开关电源,变压器,电源适配器等)占有一定的优势,并库存大量现货。 |
Speedy-Tech is a provider of EMS for PCBA, Bon-Build and Power Electronics Solutions.
斯比泰电子是一家专业的EMS提供商,包括PCBA、成品总装,电源解决方案。 |
Speical attention should be paid to prevention of inspiratory regurgitation, supine hopotension syndrome, and cyclic fluctuation caused by sudden reduced abdomenal pressure.
结论麻醉方法以全麻为宜,术中应预防误吸,仰卧位低血压综合征等,加强呼吸和循环管理,重点防止因腹压骤降所引起的循环波动。 |
Spell Steal now receives the proper amount of points from a stacked aura.
法术偷取现在会从群体光环效果中偷取适合的效果个数(不会偷取重复的光环个数? |
Spell and pronounce names and titles correctly.
熟记同仁的职称与大名。 |
Spell check… the old-fashioned way.
拼写检查……最土的办法。 |
Spell interruption has been removed from all but a handful of spells (teleport, recall, summon, etc.).
施法打断被完全取消了,除了传送、召唤类法术之外。(战士不好办了,砍不断人家施法了。) |
Spell out it again in Radio-Telephone.
用无线通话方法在拼读一次。 |