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10 This transformation of American culture anticipates the general trend in the composition of mankind.

10 The phenomenon that moving water flow can take away heat is called convection. 10运动的水可以带走热量,我们将这种热传现象叫作对流。
10 The sky is unreachably high when we look upon it from the ground. If you fly as high as the Peng, the ground will seem unreachably far. 我们在地上看天空觉得天高不可及,等到有一天你飞到鹏鸟的高度,你会发现地球也一样是那么遥不可及。
10 The typhoon is coming. We will have to get everything ready to evacuate the rig. 台风快要来了,必须做好一切弃船准备。
10 The whiff of scandal, and particularly the crash-for-questions imbroglio, reminds the electorate that the power concentrated in the hands of a single party for too long tends to corrupt. 尽管丑闻不大,而且这些来路不明的款项内情复杂,至今尚无定论,却也足以提醒选民:权利集中在一个政党手中过长就会产生腐败。
10 There is a limit to how much magic you can draw from monsters. (怪物身上可以吸取的魔法是有一定的上限的。)
10 This transformation of American culture anticipates the general trend in the composition of mankind. 美国文化的这一变化预示着人类构成的普遍趋势。
10 This way, please. 11 Good-bye, Mary. Bye-bye. 请这边走。再见,玛丽。再见。
10 To become a real hacker, you have to hack. You can't just sit around reading text files and hanging out on BBS's. This is not what hacking is all about. 想真正成为黑客,你必须真枪实弹去做黑客应该做的事情。你不能仅仅靠坐在家里读些黑客之类的文章或者从BBS中扒点东西,就能成为黑客,这不是“黑客”的真正含义。
10 Wang WQ, Chen N, Zhang ZF. Clinical observation on Jihuang Diyu decoction in treating 32 cases of esophagitis after radiotherapy. Zhongguo Mei Tan Gong Ye Yi Xue Za Zhi. 2006; 9(9): 10081009. Chinese. 王伟泉,陈宁,张宗峰。芨黄地榆汤治疗放疗性食管炎32例临床观察。中国煤炭工业医学杂志。2006;9(9):10081009.
10 Wang ZL. Drinking tea inhibits angiogenesis. Guo Wai Yi Xue Wei Sheng Xue Fen Ce. 2000; 27(3): 190. Chinese. 王志玲。饮茶抑制血管生成。国外医学卫生学分册。2000;27(3):190.
10 We are not liable for the damage. 我们没有赔偿损坏的责任。

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