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The water ingress alarm system for cargo hold.

The water in the oceans also keeps the temperature of the earth steady by absorbing and giving off heat. 由于海水的吸热和释热的作用,从而使地球的温度保持稳定。
The water in the pool is fairly warm, but not warm enough to swim in. 池里的水相当暖和,但如要游泳则还不够暖。
The water in the pool is warm enough (to swim in). 池里的水够暖和的(,可以游泳)。
The water in this glass is not clean. 这玻璃杯中的水不清洁。
The water in this rill is very clean. 这条小溪里的水非常清澈。
The water ingress alarm system for cargo hold. 船舶货舱进水报警装置。
The water intake and outlet of power plant in tidal river bend is researched by model test with adopting W shaped rippled groove which meets the request of model roughness. 摘要进行了潮汐弯道段电厂取排水模型试验,采用W形波纹凹槽方式加糙,使模型糙率达到了模型试验的要求。
The water is all over the field. 田地里到处都是水。
The water is being turned into vapour. 水正在变成蒸气。
The water is clean——only a few worms and snakes. 水是干净的——只有几条虫和蛇。
The water is freezed on 0 degree centigrade. 水在摄氏零度结冰。

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