Prince Harry is headed for combat duty in Iraq.
亨利王子将赴伊拉克战场。 |
Prince Harry lives up to his reputation as a royal wild child.
哈里王子是皇室有名的野孩子。 |
Prince Harry, 22, the third in line for the British throne has now vowed to quit smoking in the New Year, ahead of a sweeping Army ban, the Daily Mail reported on Tuesday.
据《每日邮报》本周二报道,在英国军队实行全面禁烟令之前,英国第三王位继承人、22岁的哈里王子新年立誓,决心戒烟。 |
Prince Harry, third in line to the throne, was leaving a nightclub when he ended up in a scuffle with the photographer.
身为王位第三顺位继承人的哈利王子,在离开一家夜店时和摄影师发生冲突。 |
Prince Henry lived in the fifteenth century.
亨利王子生活在15世纪。 |
Prince Hisahito was born in Tokyo on Sept. 6 to Prince Akishino and Princess Kiko and the first heir to the Japanese imperial throne born in 41 years.
今年9月6日,文仁秋筱宫亲王和纪子王妃的小皇子悠仁在东京出生,这是41年来日本皇室首次迎来男性继承人。 |
Prince Ippolit brought her reticule, moved to her side, and bending close over her chair, sat beside her.
伊波利特公爵把女用小提包交给她,跟在她身后走过来,又把安乐椅移到靠近她的地方,便在她身旁坐下来。 |
Prince Ippolit, who had for a long time been staring through his eyeglass at the vicomte, at these words suddenly turned completely round, and bending over the little princess asked her for a needle, and began showing her the coat-of-arms of the Condé fam
伊波利特戴上单目眼镜久久地望着子爵,他听到这些话时,忽然向那矮小的公爵夫人转过身去,向她要来一根针,便用针在桌子上描绘孔德徽章,指给她看。 |
Prince Jack: I want yellow and red mushroom. What about you?
杰克王子:我要吃黄色和红色蘑菇。你呢? |
Prince Jack: I'm Prince Jack. What's this symbol? Piece of cake! It's NIKE!
杰克王子:我是杰克王子。这是什麽标志!太简单了!这是NIKE! |
Prince Jack: Those colorful mushrooms are poisonous! I need to go to the bathroom!
杰克王子:那些鲜豔的蘑菇有毒!我要去厕所! |