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Preparation and Characterization of Protein A Immobilized on Monolithic Capillary Column for Affinity Chromatography;

Role of MRCP in detecting postoperative complication of biliary tract surgery; 胆道术后并发症的MRCP诊断价值
Palliative treatment of malignant obstructive jaundice with drainage within T-tube bridging the bile duct and the duodenum; 胆管十二指肠T管架桥内引流术姑息治疗恶性梗阻性黄疸
Diagnosis of biliary atresia by ambulatory bilirubin monitoring; 胆红素监测仪对胆道闭锁的诊断价值
Ultrasonography and applied anatomy of the inner blood vessel of the gallbladder bed; 胆囊床血管的超声和应用解剖学研究
Studies of the Piezoelectric Immunosensor for the Detection of Fibrin Using Protein A Oriented Immobilization of Antibody; 蛋白A定向固定抗体的纤维蛋白压电免疫传感器的研究
Preparation and Characterization of Protein A Immobilized on Monolithic Capillary Column for Affinity Chromatography; 蛋白A连续床亲和毛细管色谱柱的制备及性能考察
Study on Radix Trichosanthis identification using protein immunization detection technology; 蛋白免疫检测技术在天花粉真伪鉴别中的初步研究
The proteinuria has kidney toxicity. 蛋白尿具有肾毒性,会刺激多种炎症介质、免疫介质及细胞因子的分泌。
Studies on separation,purification of protein,protease and oligopeptide and their applications; 蛋白质、蛋白酶以及短肽类的分离提纯技术及应用
Experimental research on protein immunoblot assay; 蛋白质免疫印迹技术的实验研究
The prediction of advanced structures about protein and RNA; 蛋白质与核酸的高级结构预测

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