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As I served in the presence of your father, so will I be in your presence.

As I sat there flipping through the magazine, I smiled that I didn't listen to the voice that told me I was off schedule. 我坐在那里翻看杂志,想到自己不理会那古怪声音说我没有按部就班,我由衷地笑了。
As I saw the case, I had broken the window because I had tried to hit Jack Arney with a cricket ball and missed him; I could not remember Boyle's Law because I had never bothered to learn it; and I was late for school because I preferred looking over the 要我说,我打碎了玻璃窗是因为我想用板球打杰克.阿尼没打着;我记不住波义耳法则是因为我根本没想去记;迟到了是因为我更喜欢在桥上看河水。
As I say, the facts as such were very simple. “就像我说的,真相其实很简单。
As I say, the legendary Silmarillion is peculiar, and differs from all similar things that I know in not being anthropocentric. 如我所说的,精灵宝钻的故事是特别的,在“以人类为中心”这一点上和就我所知的其他类似故事都不相同。
As I see it, all motorists should wear seat belts. 我看,汽车司机都应系上座带。
As I served in the presence of your father, so will I be in your presence. 我怎样在你父亲面前服事,也必照样在你面前服事。
As I slowly approached the child, I could see by her forehead, which in the sunshine seemed like a globe of pearl, and especially by her complexion, that she was uncommonly lovely. 我慢步向小女孩走来,她那在阳光下如同珍珠一样圆润的前额,特别是她那肤色,使我感到她真是异常可爱。
As I slowly uncurl my fingers, he bends to look at the pea-size moth paralyzed with fear in the center of my hand. 我慢慢展开蜷曲的手指,让他弯身察看我手心中那只如豆般大、恐惧无力的蛾。
As I sometimes stubbornly stuck to my own idea, no matter right or wrong, I just stupidly insisted on it. 有时候,不论自己是对是错,总是固执地坚持己见。
As I speak to you today I would like to wish you, wherever you may be, a happy Christmas. 今天我发表讲话,诚心祝愿各位不论身在何处,都有一个快乐的圣诞节。
As I spoke to Z - I felt that I was experiencing an initiation that would transform me forever. 当我跟Z交谈时--我感觉我正在经历会永远地改变我一生的开始。

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