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In the meantime, Japan was resuming its aggression against China.

In the meantime, I went home and found a message that my son was in the nurse's office at school with a 101 temperature. 在这期间,我回到家,听电话答录机留言,说我儿子在学校的卫生所高烧101华氏度。
In the meantime, I will have our graphics department prepare a new header card. 同时我会要求我们的制图部准备一个新的标题卡。
In the meantime, I would request all of you to ensure that IDSF works very closely together so that we can support each other and continue to achieve our objectives. 同时,我也要求所有的人确信,IDSF会紧密地合作以使我们能够互相帮助继续实现我们的目标。
In the meantime, I'm going back to New York. 在周记暂停的同时,我会回到纽约。
In the meantime, Igawa will remain available for the Yankees as a reliever. 同时,井川庆仍然可作为洋基的中继投手。
In the meantime, Japan was resuming its aggression against China. 与此同时,日本开始入侵中国。
In the meantime, Juventus are targeting Lazio midfielder Luciano Zauri, whose contract with the Biancocelesti expires in June 2007. 在这时候,尤文图斯也看中了拉齐奥的泽乌利,他和俱乐部的合同到2007年6月结束.
In the meantime, Lazio will sell goalkeeper Sereni to Cagliari, as the goalkeeper is not finding space in the first team with Angelo Peruzzi ahead of him. 球队准备将塞雷尼(米兰还是不要)送到卡利亚里,前面有个老佩,他得不到太多的机会。
In the meantime, Lockheed Martin managers are focusing on suborbital sounding rockets for hybrid motors. 在此同时,洛克希德马丁公司的人员正致力研究供次轨道探空火箭使用的混合型马达。
In the meantime, Mr Abe promises a close look at quite what the constitution forbids—a hint of reinterpretations to come. 与此同时,安倍承诺要特别仔细地研究宪法所禁止的内容,暗示着即将对宪法进行重新解释。
In the meantime, Mr Redstone is aware of the importance attached to the plan as the potential harbinger of a new downsizing trend in the media industry. 同时,雷石东也意识到该计划的重要性,正如媒介业面临新一轮的缩小的趋势一样。

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