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I wanted to do something helpful on this fashion show. Hence, I asked granny about the wears in the 60''''s.

I wanted to call it a day and get home as much as anyone, she recalls. “我本来也想和其他人一样放手不干算了,只想早点回家休息。”
I wanted to cheer my mother up when she was feeling sick,so I bought her a large bunch of flowers. 我妈妈生病了,为了让她高兴起来,我买给妈妈一大束花。
I wanted to cry aloud: why are you here? Why aren't you with her? How can she let you go away again? 我真想大声的叫出来:“你为什么会在这里?为什么不和她在一起?她怎么能让你再次离开她?”
I wanted to do everything everybody told me I couldn't do, I couldn't wear make up, I couldn't wear nylons, I couldn't cut my hair, I couldn't go on dates, I couldn't even go to the movies with my friends. 凡是别人告诫我不能做的事情,我都想做,如:我不能化装,不能穿尼龙长袜,不能剪发,不能约会,不能和朋友一同看电影。
I wanted to do something great. 我想做一些伟大的事。
I wanted to do something helpful on this fashion show. Hence, I asked granny about the wears in the 60''''s. 我想为这次时装表演出点力,所以我向奶奶询问20世纪60年代衣服的一些情况。
I wanted to draw a Rabite, but then decided to add Bud (picked at random) to make the picture a bit more interesting. 我本来只打算画那只小兔的﹐不过后来决定加另外一个人物好让图画看起来比较有趣。
I wanted to emphasize the point one. 我想重提一下第一点.
I wanted to explore long-lasting love and its possible steep price tag, homophobic antipathy and denial. 我想深层次挖掘持续长久的爱情故事,基于同性的,同情的,不被人谅解的。
I wanted to find a way to break the cycle and began to look at experimenting with outcrossing to a new bloodline to give our domestic gene pool a chance to refresh itself. 我想要找一种打破这种循环的方法,我开始着眼于通过异型杂交而产生一种新的血统的实验,从而给我们这个大家庭的基因库一次更新它们自己的机会。
I wanted to find out why so many Montrealers speak of their city as a first love, a mistress, a lifelong mate. 我想知道为什么这么多蒙特利尔人把他们的城市说成初恋,情人和终身伴侣。

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