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The high guy conjectured this object that is similar to person's fish up and down, seeing the saliva almost flow to come out.

The high gradient between the proximal and distal splenic vein flow velocities may provide an easy method of screening for possible SVT in patients with pancreatitis. 脾静脉远近端血流速差距似乎可以在胰脏炎病例中提供一种简单的脾静脉血栓筛检方法。
The high growth rates of dinosaurs also give us a firmer idea about their metabolic features. 恐龙的高生长速率,也让我们对牠们的代谢特徵,有了比较确定的想法。
The high growth seen in fixed asset investment (FAI) is not a big worry as in the past as the investments have become more diverse rather than concentrated as in the past years in utilities, autos, cement and steel sectors that are considered high energy 对于固定资产投资的高增长,我们认为由于新增投资更加分散在不同领域,而不是象过于一样集中在公用事业、汽车、水泥和钢铁行业等能耗大且附加值低的行业,因此无需过度担心。
The high guy accepts the good weapon to prepare to continue the steady road walk, that tiger this hour not the not feline animal of the tiger cat became a personal high guys to smile[ just now and much get you saved me, don't I will be catch by that guy o 高佬收好武器准备继续稳路走,这阵时那只老虎不老虎猫不猫的动物变成了一个人对高佬笑了[刚才多得你救了我,未止我会被那条佬捉到的。
The high guy and fungis had no LIN2 GONG to set out in add lead of sand descend to gram, the itinerary lieutenant general will appear a few important roles this time, please expectation!! 高佬和霉在加沙的带领下向克里无林宫出发了,这次旅程中将会出现几位重要角色,敬请期待!!
The high guy conjectured this object that is similar to person's fish up and down, seeing the saliva almost flow to come out. 高佬上下打量了这条类似人鱼的物体,看到口水差点流了出来。
The high guy did not know to take place HE2 SHI4[ young lady, your side come out to come of?] That woman shout loudly[ I am just now that tiger! 高佬不知道发生了何事[小姐,你边处冒出来的?]那女的大叫[我就是刚才那只老虎啦!
The high homogeneity and isotropy shown in the cosmic microwave background (CMB) prove that the universe has been in existence for around 15 billion years. 微波背景辐射显示的宇宙高度的均匀性和各向同性说明,宇宙已经存在了约150亿年左右。
The high incidence of computer-related crimes in the early 1980s led to the development of federal legislation. 上世纪八十年代早期,高电脑犯罪率推进了联邦立法的进程。
The high incidence of hepatitis is due to an increase in intake of alcohol and animal fat, which has made hepatitis a so-called rich man\'s disease,according to professor Fan Jiangao, who works at a hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiao Tong University. 高发性肝炎是因为不断增加摄取的饮酒和动物脂肪造成,所以肝炎被叫做“富贵病”,根据上海交通大学的方建高(译音)教授说道。
The high incidence of postoperative stricture formation caused both techniques indicated neither procedure as a valuable modality for the primary and early treatment of anterior urethral injuries. 由于二者手术方法发生术后尿道狭窄的比率过高,因此并不太适宜用于治疗尿道外伤。

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