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Those Russians promised us all sorts of things -- tractors, combines, cars when they were setting up their kolkhoz (collective farm),he said.

This will provoke debate, because the idea that the sense of position is mostly the result of the sensory receptors is well-entrenched,says Timothy Miles, a physiologist at the University of Adelaide, Australia, who is independent of the study. 澳大利亚阿德莱德大学生理学者逖墨西·迈尔斯与该项研究无关,他说:“这会引起争论,因为‘位置感主要来源于感受器’的观点也根深蒂固了。”
This zeitgeist exists. But I do not have to follow the zeitgeist. On the contrary, it encourages me even more to fight the temptation of protectionist measures. 这股思潮是存在的。但是我不一定非要追随这种思潮。相反,它促使我更加抵制保护主义措施的诱惑。
This, he declared, has aroused the bitter indignation of the Arab people. 他说:这就激起了阿拉伯人民的强烈义愤。
This, however, is not a problem of abstract logic or technical functionality, but rather of ingenuity on the one hand and credulity on the other -- a rather different proposition. 然而,这不是抽象逻辑或技术功能性的课题,而是如何一方面达到精巧、而另一方面又容易使人相信的课题——一个截然不同的命题。
This,he answered, kissing her softly. “就是这,”他回答道,开始温柔的吻着她。
Those Russians promised us all sorts of things -- tractors, combines, cars when they were setting up their kolkhoz (collective farm),he said. 「那些俄国人成立集体农场时,承诺给我们各种东西—拖拉机、联合收割机与车子等,」他说。
Those animal kingdoms, some of them, utilized tools. “这些动物王国,其中一些,会使用工具。
Those from among you will rebuild the ancient ruins; You will raise up the age-old foundations; And you will be called the repairer of the breach, The restorer of the streets in which to dwell. 赛58:12那些出于你的人、必修造久已荒废之处.你要建立拆毁累代的根基.你必称为补破口的、和重修路径与人居住的。
Those kind of communications are very positive in terms of building the relationship, and also in terms of enhancing understanding, and reducing the possibility of miscalculations in future,he said. “这种交流对于建立友好关系,增进相互理解,减少将来局势恶化的可能性是非常积极的”,他说。
Those on the rocky soil are those who, when they hear, receive the word with joy; and these have no firm root; they believe for a while, and in time of temptation fall away. 路8:13那些在磐石上的、就是人听道、欢喜领受、但心中没有根、不过暂时相信、及至遇见试炼就退后了。
Those present today agreed to cooperate further in a number of key areas to ensure that gambling remains fair, crime-free and vulnerable people are protected,he said. 他说,与会者今后将在一些关键问题上加强合作,以确保博彩公平、避免犯罪、保护弱势人们。

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