April is no other than the time the spring breeze fans the mother earth of South China; spring is the well beginning of a new year.
4月,正是春风吹拂华南大地之际,春是一年之始,万物复苏,更是大地换上新面貌之时。 |
April is set to be a crucial month for the Italian giants with the long-awaited showdown with Napoli set for Tuesday, but Palladino insists the focus is just on Friday's Albinoleffe clash for now.
四月将是决定意大利巨人的一个月,他们将在星期二与那不勒斯上演期待已久的对决,但帕拉迪诺坚持认为现在星期五和阿尔比诺勒菲的比赛才是焦点。 |
April is the time to plant trees.
四月是种树的时候。 |
April rains for man / corn, May, for beasts / grass.
四月下雨为了人(为了粮),五月下雨为牲畜(为牧草)。 |
April retail sales on Thursday are expected to remains flat MoM after a 0.1% decline in March, while the YoY rate is expected to slow to 2.1% from 2.7%, suggesting flagging economic activity and highlighting the prospect of easing as the next policy move.
周四将发布4月零售业销量,月率将维持0.1%,年率将由2.7%减缓到2.1%,显示出经济状况萎靡不振,而下一步政策将趋于缓和。 |
April showers bring May flowers.
四月阵雨天,五月花似锦。 |
April showers bring forth May flowers.
四月阵雨带来五月花。 |
April showers call forth May flowers.
四月的阵雨带来五月的鲜花。 |
April, Did something sad happen?
「发生了什麽悲伤的事吗?」 |
April, See, here she is!
「看吧,果然在这!」 |
April. 1994 Oil-Painting “Winter Moon” was chosen for the 2nd China Oil-Painting Exhibition in China Fine Art Gallery.
1994年4月油画《冬月》入选中国美术家协会油画艺术委员会《第二届中国油画展》,在中国美术馆展出。 |