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He plastered his room with pictures of actors and actresses.

He planted a knife in her back. 他在她的背部来上一刀。
He planted himself in a chair. 他坐立在一把椅子上。
He planted roses in the middle of the garden. 他在花园中间种上玫瑰。
He planted some flowers on the balcony that projects over the street. 他在那个伸出到街上的阳台上种了些花。
He plastered his room with picture of actor and actress. 他在他房间里贴满了男女演员的照片。
He plastered his room with pictures of actors and actresses. 他在他房间里贴满了男女演员的照片。
He play his drum with his hands insdead of drumsticks. 鼓是用手拍的,,节奏感很强,,喇叭和中国农村听的喇叭声音差不多。。
He played John for the championship. 他为了冠军与约翰比赛。
He played Legolas, the elf whose skill with the bow and arrow terrified his orc enemies. 他在片中饰演精灵勒苟拉斯,他那一手出色的弓箭术令他的怪兽仇敌闻风丧胆。
He played The Palace, Radio City Music Hall, London Palladium, Copa Cabana and other prominent nightclubs and Reviews. 他曾为宫殿,广播城市,杂耍戏院,伦敦女神像,酷吧小屋和其他卓越的夜总会及场所表演。
He played a delightful melody on his flute. 他用笛子吹奏了欢快的曲调。

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