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All of my friends are very dependable people.

All of easy thing can consist a big complex thing. 所有简单的事情组成起来就成为一个复杂的东西。
All of his dealings are in the open. 他的一切交易往来都是公开的。
All of means of transportation among the cities in all parts of the country is maglev train. 全国各地的城市间的交通工具全部是磁悬浮列车。
All of my classes finish at 2:00. 我所有的课都在两点钟结束。
All of my favorite men are Russian and Ukrainian, I don't see a problem. 所有我喜欢的人都是俄罗斯或乌克兰人,但我不觉得这有什么问题。
All of my friends are very dependable people. 我所有的朋友都很可靠。
All of my goldfish kicked the bucket while we were on vacation. 在我们外出度假的时候,所有的金鱼都翻白了。
All of my heart, I send to you. 我满载的心,我送给你.
All of my paycheck disappears so quickly. 我的薪水在不旋踵之间都消失无踪了。
All of our Surface Care Specialists who answer Meguiar's Hotline phone calls are not only experienced with Meguiar's products but are in fact, certifiably CAR CRAZY. 美光的产品护理专家会给您解疑答惑,打电话不光是帮您解决问题,您还能获得一个车迷的证书。
All of our anniversary events aim at out-reaching to the public and promoting architecture to the community. 所有周年庆典活动均以接触公众、提升建筑师与社会的联系为主。

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