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That was his brother (who)just went by.

That was done long ago, your honor!” replied Avdeev with a groan. 那是很久以前,你的荣誉!?回答了呻吟.
That was extremely good of you. 你真是太好了。
That was followed by a midweek 1-1 draw with Everton after Tim Cahill cancelled out Benni McCarthy's strike on Wednesday evening. 接着他们又在周三以1:1平了埃弗顿,班尼的进球被判无效。
That was followed by plastic surgery to extend each girl's scalp to cover the area where they had been attached. 医生在完成分离手术后还要对她们进行外科整形,使每个女婴的头皮都能覆盖她们被分离的部位。
That was hard. I did want boots, but I stuck to the pony. No, not even boots. 这倒让我为难了。我的确想要双靴子,但我还是坚持只要小马。“不要,即使靴子也不要。”
That was his brother (who)just went by. 刚路过的那个人是他的兄弟。
That was how I came to the foster family. In a box for vet surgeon's gloves. Oh....... that smell? I can still remember it. 我就是这个样子到达托养家庭。放在一个兽医手套盒里。噢.......那味儿﹖我还记得呀!
That was how NATO saw the Baltics in the 1990s. 这就是1990年代北约眼中的波罗的海诸国。
That was how we finished all the afternoons in Harvard Square. 我们就是这样度过在哈弗广场的整个下午的。
That was in line with projections by the World Bank and other economists, and would be China's fifth straight year of growth in excess of 10 percent. 这与世界银行及经济学家的预期是一致的,这也是中国经济增长速度连续超过10%的第五年。
That was in stark contrast to the other five sorts of expression, which took more time to find when they had to be sorted from a larger group. 这与其它五种表情形成了鲜明的对比,他们需要更多的时间从更多张的组别中才能辨别出来。

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