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Business declined to such an extent that Smith Brothers had to close up.

Business cards used to be made exclusively of stiff paper (card), but today come in materials from plastics to thin metals and even glass! 以前名片无一例外都是用硬纸来做成的(卡片),不过现在用来制作的材料很多,从塑料到薄金属片甚至玻璃!
Business center provides all business facilities and professional secretarial supports for business guests' convcnience. 酒店商务中心为客人提供一切先进设备和专业秘书服务设备。
Business confidence in Germany rose in June to its highest level since just after the country's reunification in 1991. 六月,德国的经济信心升至该国在1991年统一初期以来的最高水平。
Business consulting and interpreting for multinational companies, including Deutsche Bank, JP Morgan Fleming Asset Management, ABN AMRO, etc. 为德意志银行,摩根基金管理公司,荷银证券等欧美企业担任商务会议口译。
Business couldn't prosperous and flourishing without favourable mamagement. 没有良好的经营管理,事业就不会兴旺发达。
Business declined to such an extent that Smith Brothers had to close up. 生意清淡到这般地步,史密斯兄弟商店只得关门大吉。
Business development and active acquisition. 发展业务,积极收集信息。
Business dinners are best carried out on the first floor while couples are advised to roost upstairs. 一楼适合商务用餐,而二楼则是情侣们的天地。
Business dropped off sharply during the recession. 在经济衰退期间,生意大大减少了。
Business ethics argues that inhumane working conditions seriously violate the dignity of human beings. 经济伦理必须提出强有力的证据证明不人道的工作环境严重侵犯了人的尊严。
Business ethics must correspond with a legitimate pursuit of profits and benefits. 经济伦理必须与对利润和福利的合法追求相一致。

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