It pays for hundreds of projects, from demobilising gunmen in Burundi to, yes, promoting contraception in Madagascar.
它负担着数百项的计划,从解除布隆迪持枪歹徒武装到促进马达加斯加的避孕方法。 |
It pays in the long run to buy goods of high quality.
毕竟购买质料好的东西才合算。 |
It pays me to keep that stock.
持有那种股票对我有利。 |
It pays off to stop once in a while to look behind a rock or a tree.
经常停下来看看石头或者树后面是否另有乾坤是有好处的。 |
It pays scant attention to employees and suppliers.
他们贪婪的合资人避免了很多其他人必须面对的税务。 |
It pays to be honest with the taxman.
纳税诚实不吃亏. |
It pays to be honest.
诚实是有好处的. |
It pays to be kind / friendly to other people.
对其他人和蔼/友好是有好处/是值得的. |
It pays to do a bit of advertising.
需要花钱做一些广告。 |
It pays to keep in with Jerry; he knows everything that goes on around here.
值得同杰里友好相处,他了解这里所发生的一切。 |
It pays to learn a foreign language.
学外语是值得的。 |