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Article 21 The State shall support the social welfare undertakings set up by the Red Cross Society in conformity with its aims.

Article 21 The Employer should give priority to the new technologies, new processes and new materials beneficial to the occupational disease prevention and the laborers' health in place of the occupational-disease-inductive technologies, processes and mat 第二十一条用人单位应当优先采用有利于防治职业病和保护劳动者健康的新技术、新工艺、新材料,逐步替代职业病危害严重的技术、工艺、材料。
Article 21 The Higher People's Courts shall have jurisdiction as courts of first instance over major criminal cases that pertain to an entire province (or autonomous region, or municipality directly under the Central Government). 第二十一条高级人民法院管辖的第一审刑事案件,是全省(自治区、直辖市)性的重大刑事案件。
Article 21 The People's Bank of China shall establish a Renminbi issue treasury and shall establish subsidiary issue treasuries at its branches. 第二十一条中国人民银行设立人民币发行库,在其分支机构设立分支库。
Article 21 The Secretary-General shall supervise the activities of the Secretariat. 第二十一条秘书长主持秘书处工作。
Article 21 The State applies a system of education certificates. 第二十一条国家实行学业证书制度。
Article 21 The State shall support the social welfare undertakings set up by the Red Cross Society in conformity with its aims. 第二十一条国家对红十字会兴办的与其宗旨相符的社会福利事业给予扶持。
Article 21 The agent handling the procedures for declaration for inspection on behalf of the consignee or the consignor of the import and export commodities shall register with the commodity inspection authorities; and shall submit the trust deed to the c 第二十一条为进出口货物的收发货人办理报检手续的代理人应当在商检机构进行注册登记;办理报检手续时应当向商检机构提交授权委托书。
Article 21 The borrowing of foreign loans shall be handled in accordance with relevant State regulations by the government departments approved by the State Council or the financial institutions and enterprises approved by the foreign exchange management 第二十一条借用国外贷款,由国务院确定的政府部门、国务院外汇管理部门批准的金融机构和企业按照国家有关规定办理。
Article 21 The control of rivers and lakes shall follow the principle of unified control in line with water systems combined with control at different levels in order to strength the protect ion and ensure the smooth passage. 第二十一条河道、湖泊管理实行按水系统一管理和分级管理相结合的原则,加强防护,确保畅通。
Article 21 The council and the board of supervisors carry out their duties according to the articles adopted in general meeting. 第21条(理、监事执行职务)理、监事会,依照会员大会之决议及章程之规定,分别执行职务。
Article 21 The domicile certificate of a company refers to the document which can prove that the company has the right to use its domicile. 第二十一条公司住所证明是指能够证明公司对其住所享有使用权的文件。

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